2012 / May – Thoughts from the SPBC President

Words from Ozzie Osborne, SPBC President, May 2012

We have gotten off to a very good start for the 2012-2013 year. We held our annual meeting on Saturday, May 5 during which we elected a new slate of club officers and approved several critically important amendments to the club bylaws.

Our officers and board members who are stepping down this year deserve a big thank you from every SPBC member. Without their dedicated service we could not have achieved all that was accomplished during their tenure. We will continue to ask for their opinions and advice as we move forward.

We look forward to providing a full slate of events this year as we have in the past and hope to make each of them even more valuable, fun and exciting this time around. We have had many of our members step up to the challenge of chairing the upcoming events that interest them the most. As our event schedule gets finalized we will be posting updates on our new website so visit it often. A club’s success depends on its member’s willingness to get involved, and I am happy to say our members continue to step up when called upon.

We have a new web page: www.sandhillspointingbreedsclub.org  – please pay it a visit. We hope to merge our old web site into the new. Our new web master and VP John Allan Tallant, who can be reached at, jatallant87@yahoo.com, is looking for articles and pictures that relate to our club.

I know the summer heat will put a damper on our training, and we’ll be wishing for fall, but please remember we need the warmth of the summer sun and some rain to provide the cover that will give our four legged buddies a challenge in their bird finding ability.

Please check our website for future updates.

Best Regards
