SPBC Grounds Closed — SPBC Wounded Warrior hunt

December 14, 2024

The grounds will be closed this day to club members not involved with the event.


Please consider volunteering for this incredible annual event hosted by SPBC at our grounds in Jackson Springs.

Local Wounded Warriors come out and experience the fun of Upland Bird hunting on the SPBC grounds.

Lou Racick and others have hosted this event for a number of years and it is truly an incredible day.


Lou and the team are seeking volunteers to help with bird planting, and handlers with advanced (MH or NAVHDA UT 1/VC) dogs.

7:15 AM – Briefing for all volunteers

8:00 AM – Wounded Warriors arrive



The club also accepts any donations that individuals wish to make.     Checks can be mailed to

Scott Smith, Treasurer SPBC

1315 Free State Dr

Charlottesville, VA  22901




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