2014 / May 3 – SPBC Annual Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the SPBC Annual Meeting May 3, 2014

The meeting was called to order by Ozzie Osborne at 10:12 on Saturday May 3, 2014 at the Inn at Eagle Springs.


Ozzie Osborne, John Allan Tallant, Charles Tuttle, Dick Cavedo, Susan Jackson, Jan Aruscavage, Lou Racick, Robert Torka, Cindy Osborne, Calvin Curnutte, Susan Scruggs, Ben Scruggs, Bonnie Berg-Eckhoff, Kathy Apffel, Pete Appfel, Phil Aruscavage, Chance Curnutte, Alan Feek, Alita Feek, Karolynne McAteer, Marty Tomczewski, Jake Van Dyke, and Mick Yannone.  Visitors (new members)  David and Vanessa Panaway

We determined that we had a quorum present to conduct business with 49 voting members as of May 3rd.  20% was 10 members required.  We had 23 present.

Minutes of the March Meeting – Approved as written and emailed to members. The secretary had no further report.

President’s report: The nomination committee included Janie Bristow, Ron Hobbs and Bonnie Berg-Eckhoff. The slate provided by the nominating committee is as follows:

President:                    Calvin Curnutte
Vice President:            Lou Racick
Treasurer:                     Charles Tuttle
Secretary:                    Jan Aruscavage
Board Members:
Susan Jackson-Smith
John Allan Tallant
Robert Torka

Members were asked to sign in and vote.

Ozzie reported that we have hired Melanie Tuttle, attorney, to help us complete the incorporation process and to obtain 501 (c)7 nonprofit status with the Federal Government.  We need to incorporate because of the amount of income we receive primarily from member dues.  Melanie will also revise the Bylaws and negotiate the SLAT lease due later this year.  We will soon have a Directors and Officers insurance Policy in effect.

Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer’s report was distributed to the members in attendance.  Our April checking account balance was $12,254.  For the annual year ending April 30th we had a total income of $22,925 and expenses of $22,626.  The cost of developing and maintaining the land is the biggest cost driver. Other than dues, the hunt tests and other events generate enough revenue to keep the dues low.  The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.

House:  Cindy continues to keep the house presentable for us.  She is looking for a replacement since she just completed three years as the committee of one caring for the house.

Land:  The NC Forestry Service was not able to complete the spring burn of 24 acres. Ozzie is trying to reschedule a burn of a different 24 acres so we don’t lose the Stephens Grant that SALT received.  The Forestry Service wanted to do a fall burn, but in the area scheduled for the spring burn the vegetation would not recover in time for our November and January hunt tests.  If we cannot change to a different 24 acre area we may have to conduct the burn ourselves. The disadvantages in performing the burn ourselves are cost (about $850), we would need volunteers and performing the burn ourselves is dangerous in terms of an accident.  Generally, the land is in good shape.  The board has accepted Ozzie’s proposal for spraying fire breaks on the North side of the property..  Ozzie emphasized that the chemicals that are being used to maintain our property are not harmful to humans or animals.

Ozzie showed a chart listing some of the projects that need to be done at the club in hopes that members will undertake completing them.  The poster will be moved to the club house.

Hunt Test: (contacts:  Peggy Schmidt titanvizslas@mindspring.com  phone 919-414-1958 and Denise Brower denise.brower@yahoo.com phone 704-968-4477) We voted to apply to AKC to have a January hunt test (3rd wk in Jan).  There are no other hunt tests scheduled in the AKC schedule for that weekend so judges and gunners will be easier to find and people will be looking for hunt tests to enter.  We will keep our 2nd weeks in March and November hunt tests as well.  Susan and Joe Stringer who have quite a lot of the responsibility for the hunt tests have agreed to try a January hunt test.   Peggy and Denise have agreed to be co-chairwomen for the November Hunt Test.  Ozzie agreed to ask that they also do the January and March tests in 2015.

There were lots of compliments about our hunt test venue and organization.  The Junior Hunter separate course is a very good feature.  We need to continue to support the hunt test chairs and board so we can continue to stage our high quality hunt tests.

Pigeon Care:  The schedule to care for the pigeons has been filled except August and September.  We need to fill those two months.

Fun Hunt:  (contact Mike Ballenger (sllongbow@yahoo.com  phone: 910-673-3695) Mike will continue as fun hunt chairman.

Membership:  Rock has resigned as membership chairmanThank you, Rock for your service as membership chair!  As of today we have 105 memberships.  Included are 58 family, 42 single, 4 associate and one life membership.  49 members are currently voting members.  Susan Scruggs volunteered to be membership chairperson.  Thank you Susan!

One New Membership and Officers and Board Members for 2014 – 2015:

The Secretary and Board Member John Allan counted the votes for our new members and the officers and board members for 2014 – 2015. All were unanimously elected.   Our newest members are:  David and Vanessa Panaway  Welcome!

Training:  Janie is setting up an AKC Judges Clinic for this summer, probably in August.  Ozzie urged any interested members to attend and to become judges.  Gary Sadler is a very good instructor.

Thank you Ozzie!!  Mick thanked Ozzie for his service as President of the club on behalf of all the members.

New Business:


Karolynne asked if the club had a policy about renting the grounds to other groups.  Ozzie responded that the loss of a weekend during prime training and hunt test season would not be acceptable.

Susan told us about the Hanover Kennel Club’s Dog Show in Wilmington the 2nd week in October.  She said that they would very much appreciate participation by SPBC members.

Karolynne asked about our participation in the Annie Oakley show.  We were not invited this year.

Ozzie thanked everyone for their support to him as president of the club.  He said it was a pleasure to serve.

As there was no further new business to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jan Aruscavage

SPBC Secretary

Jan Aruscavage
Sandhills Pointing Breeds Club
3280 Jackson Springs Road
Jackson Springs, NC 27281
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