2014 / Nov 8 – SPBC, Inc, General Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the SPBC, Inc, General Meeting November 8, 2014

The meeting was called to order by Calvin Curnutte, SPBC, Inc. president, at 12:35 on Saturday November 8th, 2014 at the SPBC, Inc. clubhouse in Jackson Springs.


Attendees:  Calvin Curnutte, Charles Tuttle, Susan Jackson, Jan Aruscavage, Robert Torka, Susan Scruggs, Ben Scruggs, Kathy Apffel, Pete Apffel, Janie Bristow, Denise Brower, Michelle Clemens, Lynn Cox. Chance Curnutte,  Jackie Curry, Mark Curry, Bill Dargay, Vivian Hansaen, Kay Hoover, Ozzie Osborne, Cindy Osborne, and Stacie Smith, (15 voting members were present.  The quorum to conduct business was 8.)


Minutes of the May Meeting  September meeting minutes were approved as corrected after being emailed to members.  The cost of Quail is $3.50 (not 3.25) each from Mr. Sewell amd we have wire grass plugs to plant.

Secretary’s Report  Jan asked that all members present sign in and vote.

President’s Report  Finding enough volunteers remains our biggest problem.  There are always jobs to be done.  If you can assemble a group willing to work a couple of hours please, contact Ozzie or Calvin for a project assignment.  We are still trying to build an observation stand for the upper.  The goal is now to have it complete before the January Hunt Test.  Ozzie suggested that a utility trailer might be adequate to use to haul people to the upper field with the addition of seats. (Calvin has some van seats).  The trailer could also be used to haul the tractor when necessary or to pick up materials.  We will rent a large canopy/tent for use during the January hunt tests.  This should provide shelter from cold and if it rains.  Calvin’s long term plan is to have another permanent shelter like the tractor shelter only without sides.  That would provide a more permanent shelter so we would not have to rent a tent.


Treasurer’s Report  Charles reported that the checking account balance to date is $14,600.  We have paid half of the tractor loan (balance is $3,000).


Land:  We now have 2,000 wire grass plugs that need to be planted.  Ozzie needs four or five volunteers to complete the job (SOON!!)  Ozzie will borrow the planting spades from the Forestry Department.  After the March Hunt Test we will have the entire grounds burned.  There is a very short window of time during which this can be accomplished.   The fire breaks must be ready.  We will need to rent or borrow a bull dozer the do these firebreaks.  In future years we will burn ½ of the property each year. In order to get to the North field we need to complete a stream crossing.  For safety we want to have a 30” plastic pipe base.  When we have the lumber we will need volunteers to complete this bridge.

Thee is a dead tree near the quail barn that needs to be taken down.  Volunteers???

The SALT lease is in process.  Our lawyer, Melanie Tuttle, has prepared a draft which has been submitted to SALT.

 Membership:  The deadline for paying 2014-2015 dues is December 1.  After that date former members must reapply.  If you have forgotten to send in your check, please do it before the deadline so you can continue to enjoy the cub.


Congratulations to our New Memberships Voted in Today:

  • Tara & Peter Buckley             Family             Sanford           GSP
  • Lindsey & Brian Fulton          Family             Cameron          Vizsla
  • Heather & Tyler Imig              Family             Aberdeen        Vizsla
  • Donald Donaldson                  single               Candor            Setter
  • Mike Malloy                            single               Fayetteville
  • Mike Watson                           single               Star                  Setter
  • Todd Williams                        single               Jackson Springs


January & March 2015 Hunt Tests:  Lou & Janie will co-chair the January Hunt Test with the help of two apprentices.  We need two of our over 100 members to step up to apprentice to be Hunt Test Chairs.  There is a complete checklist for running the hunt test, you have lots of experienced volunteers and two excellent mentors to help you learn the ropes:


Old Business:  We are close to completing the paperwork to submit to the IRS for approval of our non-profit status.

New Business:  Susan Scruggs noted that on the renewal/and new membership forms, the suggestion for a first aid clinic has appeared repeatedly.  We have at least two sources to arrance a demonstration – possibly at our January Meeting.  The first is Dr. Rita, a vet that helps with the Weim rescue dogs and the Veterinarian Tactical Group the Calvin mentioned.


As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1:03.

Respectfully Submitted

SPBC, Inc. Secretary

Jan Aruscavage